Marietta Mehanni


Beginning Again
Beginning Again

The Journey of Firsts Firsts are a constant part of our early lives. Our first breath, our first cry, our first meal. Then come our first smile, first step, and first word. As we grow, we accumulate hundreds, if not thousands, of first experiences. Our first friend,...

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Discover the Benefits of mSwing
Discover the Benefits of mSwing

mSwing is a unique fitness program that uses a single light weight to create fun, challenging, and effective workouts. The natural, flowing movements in mSwing workouts are designed to make you feel like you’re not exercising, but moving with momentum. Yet you'll...

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Am I Included Yet?
Am I Included Yet?

A Reflection on International Day of Disabilities: As I sit down to write this post on the International Day of Disabilities, I can't help but reflect on the question: Am I included yet? My name is Caitlin (CJ) and I'm a 29-year-old woman living with an intellectual...

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