Marietta Mehanni


My Inner Demon
My Inner Demon

Reflecting on Life BC (Before Covid) and Beyond Like most people around the globe, everything completely changed for me when Covid-19 lockdown came in. My usual daily routine evolved to a new rhythm. It has now been long enough for me to have looked at my life BC...

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My secret
My secret

I received an email asking about my secret to maintaining positivity and showing up on Facebook daily. So, I'm going to share my answer with you all. I feel that mental health is very similar to physical health. If we think about physical health, we ensure that our...

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You may have already heard this word, but if you haven’t, I predict that this word will become the 2020 buzz word. Have you pivoted? How did you pivot? What was your pivoting strategy? Well, what does all of this mean? Pivoting is a word often used to describe when...

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Are you red flagged?
Are you red flagged?

Dear Marietta,   Just wanted you to know that your attendance numbers have been lower than expected, and your class has been red flagged. What!?   Being red flagged The concept of being red flagged was introduced to the group fitness industry in the late 1990’s...

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#wegetyou Recently, there has been a lot of attention focused on public mental health in the media. This is both exciting and enlightening as this is a topic that, until recently, has only been whispered about. We understand the importance of keeping our body and mind...

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A Sad Goodbye
A Sad Goodbye

A Sad Goodbye Over 10 years ago, I met a woman who would change the course of my life and help me shape the business that I have today. She was someone I met in a Cert III fitness course that I was delivering, and her intelligence and initiative made me take notice....

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When ideas become a reality
When ideas become a reality

Drum roll please...! Richard Beddie, CEO of Exercise New Zealand lands another amazing development on the audience of the annual FITEX conference in Auckland, New Zealand. Richard discussed his trip to the World Health Organisation and the initiatives that are being...

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Mind your language
Mind your language

Remember when you were younger, and you were told to 'mind your language'? It usually refers to avoiding bad words or having the right tone with elders. Fast forward to today, and I find myself reflecting on this old-fashioned phrase in a whole new context. The Power...

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Instructor Mental Health
Instructor Mental Health

Let’s talk about an elephant in the room. The big one with its backside in your face. The one that you can’t miss, but trying to avoid looking at. Group Exercise Instructor Mental Health. It is an interesting situation because as an instructor, you are not physically...

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