Group Fitness Career Wow! It's possible to make a career from teaching group fitness classes. Absolutely, it is. You can earn money and help people become fitter and healthier too. There are many opportunities to teach group fitness classes. If you have a personal...
Marietta Mehanni
Do You learn from others?
Always be prepared to learn something new. Teaching is a profession that is full of surprises. As instructors, we know the best way to prepare for the unexpected is to go in with as much knowledge as possible. It's one of the reasons why you're probably reading this...
3 Tips for Overcoming Your Fear of Teaching Group Fitness Classes
To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom. I have been in the industry for a long time, and I know how scary it is to start teaching group fitness classes! The fear comes from so many places and takes many forms. Some people are afraid they will be uncomfortable,...
3 Tricks To Boost Your Fitness Teaching Confidence
It's about the experience you create Teaching a group fitness class can be an incredibly empowering and gratifying experience. It can also be challenging, daunting and downright terrifying. There's always a little voice telling you that you don't know enough to teach...
What is mswing?
mSwing is not an aerobics class. It's about learning to move your body in a way that will integrate into your life for the rest of your days. It's fun and it can be done by anyone and everyone. Why? Because since the beginning of time, people have been swinging things...
The more you know the better
When a comment on a social media post mentioned the name of a fitness industry colleague that I hadn’t thought about for a long time, it brought the power of the word ‘learn’ vividly to mind. Meredith King was my aqua coordinator at the Ivanhoe Aquatic Centre in the...
The One Word Someone Said To Me That Reframed The Way I Think Forever
When we learn something new, we open the door to opportunity. To grow in this industry, you must keep continual learning at the core of everything you do, writes industry educator and group fitness guru Marietta Mehanni. When a comment on one of my recent social media...
4 Gymstick Exercises that you can start doing right now for free
The Gymstick is a very portable, easy-to-use fitness tool that enables you to do all the resistance exercises you can do in a gym and so much more. Costing less than a gym membership and taking up no space, it comes as a two-piece fibreglass stick with an easy...
The best Gymstick Exercises to follow Step-by-Step
A stick and a couple of rubber bands surprised me when I first used the Gymstick in 2006. Having been in the fitness industry for 15 years by then, I thought I had seen everything, and there was no doubt that I had a little more arrogance about exercise than I should...
Language of Disability
Carol Syer wrote this blog. Learning the language of disability In my 30+ years in the fitness Industry, I have seen it grow and mature. We have become more aware and more inclusive. We have become more educated, and with that knowledge, we are becoming more welcoming...
H2O Conference: A world of presenters at your fingertips
The last 18 months have been a series of firsts, from teaching virtually and getting a handle on the technology to editing videos, creating accessible education platforms and building new websites. The impetus to do all these new things may have been due to reasons...
Which stage of the 4-step Group Ex journey are you in?
I have always enjoyed passing on things that I have learnt. I’m hardwired for it. I remember in school that I would often help other students understand homework and provide assistance during recess and lunchtime in the library. It gave me purpose, and sharing what I...