Marietta Mehanni


Do You learn from others?
Do You learn from others?

Always be prepared to learn something new. Teaching is a profession that is full of surprises. As instructors, we know the best way to prepare for the unexpected is to go in with as much knowledge as possible. It's one of the reasons why you're probably reading this...

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What is mswing?
What is mswing?

mSwing is not an aerobics class. It's about learning to move your body in a way that will integrate into your life for the rest of your days. It's fun and it can be done by anyone and everyone. Why? Because since the beginning of time, people have been swinging things...

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The more you know the better
The more you know the better

When a comment on a social media post mentioned the name of a fitness industry colleague that I hadn’t thought about for a long time, it brought the power of the word ‘learn’ vividly to mind. Meredith King was my aqua coordinator at the Ivanhoe Aquatic Centre in the...

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Language of Disability
Language of Disability

Carol Syer wrote this blog. Learning the language of disability In my 30+ years in the fitness Industry, I have seen it grow and mature. We have become more aware and more inclusive. We have become more educated, and with that knowledge, we are becoming more welcoming...

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