Marietta Mehanni


Can you remember a name?
Can you remember a name?

The Importance of Remembering Names Do you find yourself using the excuse, "I can never remember people's names," more often than you'd like? It's a common sentiment, especially when you encounter numerous individuals. But when those individuals have been loyal...

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Over the past week my mSwing business partner, Mark Davis has been signing off emails with POY. It also appeared in text messages and I had figured (Mark being a man with a very well-developed sense of humour), he had somehow formed a word that I didn’t have a clue...

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What is active ageing?
What is active ageing?

Active Ageing. What is your view on people over the age of 60? Several years ago I was immersed in discussions around older adults during a conference in Florida. The discourse was nothing short of intriguing. The disparity between research-backed information and...

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