Marietta Mehanni


Mary Gies
Mary Gies

Mentoring: Marietta brings a wealth of experience and knowledge, as well as her intense professionalism, to her work of instructor mentoring.   She provides assistance with every aspect of learning to be an instructor – the psychological aspects (e.g. managing...

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What is your balance like?
What is your balance like?

Life balance Can I balance for 10 seconds on each leg with my eyes closed? Sure, but it has taken me years to find balance in life. With over 30 years in the fitness industry, I've discovered a sense of balance in my own life. It's ironic, considering I've spent all...

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Taking Functional Training seriously

It was certainly not a planned new year's resolution, but it ended up being something that started on new year's day and has continued since and here is the story of two girls and a garden. Once upon a time...well actually it was 1st January 2014, Carla Bond (a very...

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Gymstick Older Adults
Gymstick Older Adults

A safe and effective way to offer resistance and cardio training, that allows older adults to easily adjust the level of difficulty, as well as enabling progression without load.

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Stick it to ’em
Stick it to ’em

Stick it to 'em!- Australian Fitness Network Winter 2011 Using an aquatic tool that enables resistance levels to be easily adjusted can provide clients of every fitness level with a fun and original challenge says Marietta Mehanni. While using rubberised bands in...

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Splash Dance
Splash Dance

Do you like to dance? Dance is the movement interpretation of music. Most instructors would say 'Yes' because we often use exercise as a movement interpretation of music, and perhaps that is why we like this form of exercise. Do you find yourself dancing, or bopping...

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Hydro Worx
Hydro Worx

Pursuing the next great aqua move Aqua Fitness has taken the world by storm, captivating enthusiasts with its invigorating and effective workouts. Aqua instructors constantly pursue groundbreaking techniques and cutting-edge moves to stay ahead in this rapidly...

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Wet Force
Wet Force

How can dumbbells and noodles be used for deep water exercise? Dumbbells and noodles are popular aquatic tools, predominately in shallow water, for resistance, turbulence and buoyancy-type exercises. But can they be used effectively for a deep water class? These two...

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What are the ingredients of a fabulous aqua session? Class Plan Music Teaching Skills X factor One of the most important aspects of a fabulous class is the plan. Even with all other factors being present, without a plan, your sessions will be a “hit or miss”. It will...

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