Marietta Mehanni

Gymstick Articles

Everything About Gymstick

Gymstick Fitness for All The Gymstick is a versatile and innovative fitness tool designed to enhance functional training and help individuals achieve their fitness goals. Originating from Finland, the Gymstick Original is a lightweight, portable device that combines a...

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Can simple be effective

Keeping it Simple We've all heard the saying, "keep it simple, stupid." But as humans, we seem to be hardwired to look for complexity. So we are suspicious of things that are too simple – how can it possibly be effective? Fitness trainers tend to overcomplicate...

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The Gymstick Swiss Ball Sensation

Written by Marietta Mehanni & Sophie Russell The Swiss Ball The Swiss Ball has been a tool synonymous with balance, stability and strength training for many years in the Australian fitness industry. An extensive background in rehabilitation especially within...

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Gymstick – Simply Effective

Written by Sophie Russell and Marietta Mehanni The Gymstick Original is a fitness tool designed to simply and effectively combine cardiovascular training, muscular endurance, strength and flexibility training. The Gymstick’s winning combination of the stick and...

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Aqua Gymstick

Introduction - Aqua Gymstick The Aqua Gymstick is an adaptation of the Gymstick, originally created in Finland. Using rubberised bands in water fitness classes is not a new concept, but what is truly unique about the Aqua Gymstick is its attachment to a stick. With...

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A Gym on a Stick – Gymstick..!!

Written by Marietta Mehanni and Sophie Russell Introduction Gymstick was invented in Finland by a team of fitness and health professionals from the Finnish Institute of Sport. Their aim was to develop a program that can provide a comprehensive strength and...

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Gymstick for Older Adults

A Gymstick program can provide overall health benefits for older adults As we age, it becomes increasingly important to maintain an active lifestyle to support our overall health and wellbeing. However, many traditional exercise programs may need to be more suitable...

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