Marietta Mehanni

Functional training – it’s hard to let go

Functional Training - It's hard to let go. Blog by group fitness guru and award winning presenter Mareitta Mehanni, discussing functional training verses big muscles

Written by Marietta

November 27, 2013

The Functional Movement Change

About 12 years ago there was movement, a new way of exercising. There was a change. There, I said it, the most challenging word in any language. CHANGE.

The ‘Big’ Question

While teaching a Gymstick course at this time and discussing functional training, an instructor raised his hand. He was new to the fitness industry and eager to learn, but his question was simple:But what if I want to get big?”

This question still reflects a common challenge in the fitness world—the focus onI.In a personal training workshop, it made me think—how often do we confuse what we want with what our clients truly need? Over the years, most people I’ve worked with didn’t come to the gym to getbig.Sure, many want to lose weight, but more often, they just want to feel better in their bodies. Is it my 35 years of experience or simply age that has taught me that moving well and feeling good is far more important than the size of my biceps? Probably both.

Shifting the Focus to Movement

It’s a good question to ask: how many trainers and instructors are still stuck in the mindset ofbigger is better”?

That word—”want.It’s tricky. Dr. Phil once said something like,It’s not about what you want, but what you need.True muscle size demands discipline, time, and commitment, and chasing it without proper guidance often leads to injury. But it’s our role to guide clients towards what their bodies need. This is where functional training shines—making movement more efficient, improving daily life, and ensuring the body works as a whole, not just in isolated parts.

Now, about that desire toget big.It conjures images of traditional training—isolated muscle movements, and strict exercise sequences. That’s how it used to be, and for some, it still is. But training has evolved. Now, we understand that the body works as one integrated unit. Functional training embraces this concept. It’s about moving the way we do in real life, making everyday tasks easier and safer.

What is Functional Training?

Functional training focuses on training the body as a whole, not just individual muscles. Here are five ways functional training helps in everyday life:

Improves Everyday Movement

  • Functional training mimics the movements we use in daily activities—lifting groceries, bending to pick up kids, or reaching for something high up. It makes these tasks easier and safer.

Enhances Balance and Coordination

  • Functional exercises improve balance and coordination, essential for preventing falls and injuries.

Boosts Core Strength

  • Core stability is key to everything we do, and functional training strengthens the core, protecting the spine during bending, twisting, or lifting.

Increases Mobility and Flexibility

  • By working through a full range of motion, functional exercises improve flexibility and mobility, making movement smoother and more efficient.

Supports Injury Prevention

  • By focusing on multi-muscle and multi-joint movements, functional training builds a more resilient body, reducing the risk of injury during everyday activities.

Why I Love Functional Training

I love functional training. After so many years in fitness, I’m not getting excited about a basic bicep curl anymore! But functional training – YES! It’s dynamic, ever-changing, and reflects how the body moves. The future of fitness is here—it’s about working with the body as a whole, helping people feel good, move better, and face daily challenges with ease.

So, what did I say to that young instructor?Let it go.As tough as it is to let go of old ideas, sometimes you have to.

Functional Fitness with Virtual Workouts with Marietta

If you want to incorporate more functional movement into your fitness routine, my Virtual Workouts with Marietta membership has you covered. With over 1,500 workouts, for cardio, muscle conditioning, balance, stability, brain training and flexibility sessions—covering all the bases your body needs for long-term health. Our bodies love variety, and these sessions are designed to help you move better, feel stronger, and stay fit for life.

The best part? You can start with a 14-day free trial and experience how these workouts fit perfectly into your life. Join me, and let’s focus on what truly matters—feeling good and moving well!

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