“I first met Marietta this year at the 2013 New Zealand Fitness Road Show in Christchurch. She was presenting Pelvic Floor First. This was my first presentation that I had been to as a student Personal Trainer (PT).
I got talking to Marietta before she started. I loved how engaging she was.
I told her how this subject was close to my heart, after delivering 3 large babies, I experienced poor pelvic floor muscles myself that were on a scale of 0/5, needing to call 111. I trialled a vibrating chair to sit on to tighten my pelvic floors muscles – the thing was with this, I wasn’t doing the work myself and still had no clue as to what I was supposed to be doing. Needless to say it didn’t work and so I had a Pelvic Floor repair by a TVT (tension-free vaginal tape).
I shared my story at the presentation. Marietta then asked an amazing question which was the turning point for me – the point of difference I now have in my PT business to empower other women. She asked what follow up I had after my operation – NIL!!! It hadn’t occurred to me that the operation was not the fix all and if I didn’t start getting serious about my Pelvic Floor muscles I may have to have the operation again. Who is to say that it will work as well the second/third time around? I seriously listened to her to the very end!
We practiced with Marietta’s wonderful fun visualising skills to accomplish the exercises of strengthening our Pelvic Floor muscles. It was a break-through moment for me feeling what I was supposed to feel and that I could do it!
I am so loving her passion and knowledge and now very grateful that Marietta is one of my mentors who wholeheartedly encourages and supports me and my business.
Thank you so much Marietta”
Vicki Zumbraegel
“I attended the Napier (NZ) session Marietta led recently and I just wanted to extend a hearty THANK YOU for the knowledge she shared with us all. I came straight back to my gym and classes in Wairoa and began implementing what I learned. I had been practising these exercises myself and using ‘some’ of it in classes (after attending her FitEx sessions in Auckland last year) but the in depth session blew my mind. I really feel a responsibility to help and/or prevent issues relating to incontinence amongst our clients and the general public. And thanks to the session have have more confidence in my ability to teach it proficiently.
I applaud Marietta for her conviction. She is a down to earth, no holds barred type of presenter who is so “backed up” with scientifically proven evidence that you have no choice but to take it on board.
Like her, I will only put clients through what I am willing to go through myself.
This session gave me the strength and knowledge to confront this issue with my PT and group ex clients.
Thank you and keep up the good work.”
Sonya Drysdale
“I would just like to tell you, yes you do change lives! One of our PT’s Samantha Ward-Grodd attended one of your sessions at Filex this year. She was overwhelmed with your wisdom on the importance of Pelvic Floor awareness, and became very enthusiastic about spreading the word as well. Samantha has spent the last few weeks organising a local physio, Kelly Kopcheff to visit our Gym and present an information session on pelvic floor health and exercise. Last week Kelly gave two talks, one for our staff and one for our members. We had a great response to the talks, and our members and staff appreciated Sam and Kelly’s efforts. It is quite amazing knowing that we do have the ability to change people’s lives, isn’t it! Thank you for being such a great mentor and ambassador in the Fitness industry Marietta. We are listening!”
Tamara Vella
“I wanted to thank you for the Continence Foudation of Australia brochures and resources you gave out at one of your workshops I attended a while ago. Because of these I was able to give one of my regular deep Water Workout participants relevant and helpful info about her pelvic floor muscle issues. She has been able to go back to the doctor and have an informed discussion about what she needs and she feels confident that things can improve. It has really made a difference in her life.
Thank you.”
Nina Monger
Feedback from Pelvic Floor First workshop Toowoomba Nov 2012
“This has been a very empowering day. This FREE education has been one of the most valuable sessions I have attended over the past 13 years in the fitness industry. Well done and thank you!”
“Thanks for such a fantastic workshop. I really enjoyed it and got a lot out of the information supplied. The facility was fantastic, as well as the lunch. I am looking forward to organising some staff training and promoting this within our community.”
“Excellent and valuable session. Excellent presenters. Thank you!”