Anita Golob
As a dedicated Midwife and Registered Nurse for the last 7 years, I always had a passion for fitness, especially the health of mothers and their unborn babies. Being a fitness freak myself I decided to complete my Certificate 3 and 4 with Fitnation 3 years ago to hopefully one day make a difference in the pregnancy and postnatal world.
Two years went by and my ambition of a small business was held off due to personal reasons and I thought I would never get it off the ground.
I searched high and low to find courses in pregnancy fitness until one day I came across a choreography course with Marietta Mehanni, as the first stepping stone with Preggi Bellies to teach me how to instruct a fitness class. Me (the nervous nelly) whom hated getting up in front of a group of people, let alone teaching a group class; surprised myself in the assessment and hit a home run on the first go.
Marietta’s words of wisdom, motivation and inspiration is what got me through and made me master the choreography for the assessment. Ever since that last day of the course which was an intense 30 hours and may I say a fantastic 30 hours of learning and experience I have never looked back. I continued to experience Marietta’s workshops including Gymstick Muscle, Gymstick PT and Fitball training and my knowledge of fitness has boomed and I feel confident in running classes.
Late last year I officially announced the opening of my new business called Fit For 2, specializing in conceiving, pregnancy and postnatal fitness and I absolutely love it. Working at Frances Perry House in the city in the birthsuite, I have noticed the huge benefits of women remaining fit and health throughout their pregnancy and how it creates a shorter birth and a quicker recovery time post birth. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of remaining active throughout your pregnancy for the health benefits for yourself and your baby.
The facts are that every women whom is planning on having a baby or whom is already pregnant should consider the program as exercise and healthy eating can increase your baby’s IQ and reduces chances of obesity.
Fit For 2 is located in South Morang and Carlton Fernwood. I offer group classes and personal training.
Visit the website: and enquire by the online enquiry form or call 0408 393 368.
Classes are at competitive prices and you only need to attend two classes a week to seek the ultimate benefits for you and your baby. My clients absolutely love the Gymstick, it improves their posture, increases stability, balance, core and strengthens and tones; I can’t recommend a better tool for resistance training. We also incorporate step, fitball and pilates exercises. Tell all your friends, it will be an unforgettable experience.