Marietta Mehanni

Plant the seed

I love finding out how people decided to work in the fitness industry, especially regarding group fitness

The initial thought that is planted creates a desire that comes to fruition. That first ‘why not’ as Lisa Westlake so eloquently spoke about at the Women in Leadership lunch at an NZ FITEX conference. The result is a fulfilling career in group exercise instruction.

Most stories do start with a similar beginning as mine

It begins with someone passionate about attending classes. Enjoying the atmosphere and workout, and appreciating specific instructors who could inspire and connect with their participants. Those special instructors became role models, doing their thing, smiling and empowering their class.

The next part of the story is the most significant. The admired instructor approaches the member and says the magic words “Have you considered becoming an instructor? I think that you would be great.” From this point on, the seed is planted and the universe appears to put places, people and courses in full view. A cascade of ‘right place, right time’ opportunities open up and away they go to becoming a group fitness instructor.

Currently, there is a chronic skills shortage of group exercise instructors in Australia. I believe that as an industry we have to tap people on the shoulder and say the magic words. This is the sole catalyst needed to ignite individuals to cultivate their careers from the seed of thought we’ve sown. My Group Move has created an opportunity for potential instructors to get information about what it takes to be involved in the group fitness industry. Check out the link and plant the seed in someone this week.

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