Marietta is awesome with all different online learning she offers. Thank you for all your hard work you put into presentations.
Love your work!
Marietta is awesome with all different online learning she offers. Thank you for all your hard work you put into presentations.
Love your work!
We are so lucky Marietta to have you as our Mentor. To not only enrich our lives with the knowledge and education you provide, your own personal stories that I take so much away from, but how you have helped us all overcome some challenges within classes or our own personal lives. I’m copying, modelling and one day will master it. 🙂
I’ll explain the Marietta fix….it’s the well explained exercises with a passion. It’s the friendly and often very funny classes. It’s the professional way in which you speak, and it’s the awesome step and gymstick that you offer. Also your chilled out vibe, and I think you’re one of very few group fitness instructors that doesn’t talk about themselves on a daily basis. I hope this helps in explaining the Marietta fix….because let’s face it you are Yoda wrapped up in another skin.
My heart and lungs are happier now than when I started the workout – sweat is dripping everywhere :0
Thank you Marietta for another fabulous exercise combination format. You lead the routines superbly, with excellent cueing timing making it easy on the brain to follow along – all while the brain is being challenged with movements which you breakdown systematically and use repetition to embed in the old grey matter.
I am amazed by how you do all of this AND speak at the same time 🙂
I really like that you have created innovative programs and exercises and show them enthusiastically, honestly and unpretentiously. There’s an authenticity to your content and style.
You’re not trying to be anyone other than who you are.
You present in an open way that’s inspiring and when you’re challenged by an exercise you display courage and a role model of encouragement- yes these are hard but get in there and try them anyway.
Really appreciate all you have on offer for us in the membership – a wide variety of classes to improve our fitness and flexibility, balance, memory etc. Also workshops, helpful information during classes and mentoring sessions to educate us so we are better informed and we can pass that information on to those in our classes. Classes can achieve so much more than getting people jumping up and down to get their heart rate up if we are well informed on the latest research.