PROUDLY SUPPORTING Dianne Edmonds and her colleagues share a wealth of knowledge on this incredible website. Covering pregnancy; pre and post, labour, pelvic floor, exercise stories and information for everyone. If you are thinking about returning to exercise after having your child or how to best prepare your pelvic floor for pregnancy, everything you need to know is here. For more pelvic floor exercises click here.   In June 2011 the Continence Foundation of Australia partnered with the Jean Hailes Foundation to host a video conference on pelvic floor fitness. Presented by Dr Margaret Sherburn and Marietta Mehanni. Click here to watch video conference as a webcast
  June 2013 Marietta toured New Zealand with Fitness NZ. New Zealand’s road show, dedicated to supporting the New Zealand fitness industry. Includes 1/2 day workshops for both facility managers, and also Personal Trainers, to help grow and support their business. The Personal Training session focussed on one of the fastest growing business opportunities for Personal Trainers – the Pelvic Floor, as well as a session on sharing ideas to help other exercise professionals. Marietta also gave an overview one of the fastest growing business opportunities, the pelvic floor, and why its so important to every club.