Marietta Mehanni

Pelvic Floor Article

The Pelvic Floor and The Core
The Pelvic Floor and The Core

Understanding the Connection between the Pelvic Floor and the Core The hidden muscles: The Pelvic Floor as part of the core muscles play a key role during exercise, but did you know there are hidden muscles that require special attention? These are the pelvic floor...

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High Impact workouts
High Impact workouts

High Impact = High Pelvic Floor Strength. The allure of high-impact workouts is the energy expenditure and the pure joy of bouncing around – like a teenager. Still, for some of us, our pelvic floor is not like it was when we were teenagers. For many women, it is a...

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Core Foundations
Core Foundations

When most people think about the "core," the mind often jumps straight to all the muscles in the torso. But what is often overlooked is the critical role of the pelvic floor. Yes, everyone has one—men included! This essential muscle is key to effective core control...

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