Marietta Mehanni

A Gym on a Stick

Marietta Mehanni gymstick resistance bands group fitness personal training strength balance coordination stability workouts trios

Written by Marietta

November 28, 2013

 Presented by Marietta Mehanni

Gymstick – simply effective

Gymstick was invented in Finland by a team of fitness and health professionals from the Finnish Institute of Sport with the aim of providing a comprehensive strength and conditioning tool for the whole body. Its versatility, effectiveness and ability to meet the exercise needs of everybody has seen it grow to now being used in over 30 countries around the world.

Gymstick is used around the world by:

  • World class athletes
  • Amateur Athletes
  • Fitness Professionals
  • Physiotherapists
  • Rehabilitation Patients
  • Juniors
  • Seniors
  • Fitness Enthusiats


Benefits of using Gymstick

Gymstick’s key function is for total body resistance training with hundreds of movements replicating free weight exercises. However unlike free weights that provide force in a downward direction along the line of gravity, Gymstick provides resistance in virtually any desired direction, in any body position. This enables you to, for example, recreate natural sports specific movements.

Gymstick also has attachment points to either side of the body’s centre of gravity which means the more the bands are stretched, the greater the challenge on the body musculature to maintain a stable trunk position. This ensures the body’s core is effectively ‘switched on’ during even the most basic exercises. The instability created by this lever arch also forces a greater improvement in joint strength and stability over free weights.

To complete a movement effectively with the Gymstick it forces you to maintain more eccentric control, which acts to increase pre loading for a more effective concentric muscle action and assists in maintaining tendon integrity, and a reduced risk of injury.

Gymstick can be used individually, in pairs or combined with other equipment such as a swiss ball or foam rollers.  It can used in low level applications such as rehabilitation & proprioception, mid level resistance training and high level applications such as power, overloading and plyometric exercises. The number and type of exercises that you can be perform with a Gymstick is only limited to your imagination.

Choosing Gymsticks

Choosing the correct Gymstick is easy. It’s available in 5 different resistance levels so it can be used with any age or fitness level.  The resistance levels are colour coded for convenience:

Green = Light 1 – 10 kg

Blue    = Medium 1 – 15 kg

Black = Strong 1 – 20 kg

Silver = Extra Strong 1 – 25 kg

Gold    = Super Strong 1 – 30 kg


Gymsticks are available in two models – the original Gymstick and the telescopic Gymstick.  The original is the best option for fitness centres/studios or at home. The telescopic Gymstick is the ideal choice for ultimate portability and travelling as it folds down to just 72 cm and fits into a large suitcase or sports bag.

A free workout DVD and poster is included with every Gymstick along with free online training.

The differences between weights, tubing and Gymstick Original


Professional Training

Ongoing Professional Gymstick Training is available to qualified health and fitness professionals.

Training is available in:

  • Gymstick Personal Training
  • Gymstick Group Cardio
  • Gymstick Group Muscle Conditioning
  • Gymstick Pilates
  • Gymstick Aqua

For details please contact Marietta Mehanni – [email protected] for details.

Individual Trios

Trio 1 – The Clean

Primary Squat and simultaneously, lift stick and flip elbows under stick

Reverse action – stand up and lift elbows and lower stick to starting position

Progression1 From squat position, stand up and extend arms above the head

Squat and bring stick to shoulders

Progression2 From squat position, stand up and extend arms above the head, as one leg is extended behind the body


Trio 2 – Shoulder Extension

Primary Extend arms behind the torso, keeping shoulders back and chin down
Progression1 Extend arms behind the torso while performing a squat down, ensuring that torso does not lean too far forwards
Progression2 Extend both arms behind the torso as lifted knee extends forward Release arms and flex knee


Trio 3 – Tricep Shot Put

Primary Extend right elbow, pressing stick upwards, while stabilising stick with left hand Flex right elbow to release and return back to starting position
Progression1 Extend right elbow, pressing stick upwards, while stabilising stick with left hand. At the same time flex right knee lowering body down to a lunge
Progression2 Extend right elbow, pressing stick upwards. Lift right leg balancing on left leg. Flex right elbow to release. At the same time flex right knee lowering body down to a lunge


Trio 4 – Standing Donkey Kick

Primary Extend right elbow, pressing stick upwards, while stabilising stick with left hand Flex right elbow to release and return back to starting position
Progression1 Extend right elbow, pressing stick upwards, while stabilising stick with left hand. At the same time flex right knee lowering body down to a lunge
Progression2 Extend right elbow, pressing stick upwards. Lift right leg balancing on left leg. Flex right elbow to release. At the same time flex right knee lowering body down to a lunge


Trio 5 – Back Extension

Primary Extend elbows, lifting chest off the floor
Progression1 Extend elbows, lifting chest and one leg off the floor
Progression2 Extend elbows, lifting chest and both legs off the floor


Trio 6 – Adbominal series

Primary Keeping knees fully extended and flexed at the hips, flex the spine, lifting head and shoulders off the floor. Return head and shoulders to the floor.
Progression1 Lower one leg towards the floor as the head and shoulders lower to the floor
Progression2 Lower both legs towards the floor as the head and shoulders lower to the floor


Partner Trios: Trainer / Client

Trio 1 – Chest Combo

Primary Extend elbows, pressing stick forward, while performing a lunge
Progression1 Standing on one leg with opposite leg extended behind body, hold the stick in front of chest with hands shoulder width apart. Extend elbows, pressing stick forward, while performing a lunge
Progression2 Extend elbows, pressing stick forward, while extending knee and hip behind the body Return back to starting position – remaining balanced on the one leg


Trio 2 – Tricep Combo

Primary In supine position, hold the bands with elbows flexed at 90° Extend elbows, pressing bands towards the floor
Progression1 In supine position, hold the bands with elbows flexed at 90° Extend elbows, pressing bands towards the floor at the same time flex the spine to perform an abdominal curl
Progression2 Extend elbows, pressing bands towards the floor, flex the spine to perform an abdominal curl and at the same time extend alternate knee and hip


Trio 3 – Lat Combo

Primary In supine position, hold the bands with arms opened to a V on the floor Flex elbows, pulling elbows into torso
Progression1 Flex elbows, pulling elbows into torso and at the same time lift hips to a bridge
Progression2 In supine position, hold the bands with arms opened to a V on the floor. Lift one leg off the floor and fully extend the knee Flex elbows, pulling elbows into torso and at the same time lift hips to a bridge


Trio 4 – Chest Fly Combo

Primary Horizontally adduct arm with elbows slightly flexed
Progression1 Starting with feet together and arm horizontally abducted to side, lunge forward and horizontally adduct the arm to the front of the body
Progression2 Starting with one foot lifted off the floor and arm horizontally abducted to side, lunge forward and horizontally adduct the arm to the front of the body. Return back to starting position


Partner Trios: Client / Client

Trio 1 – Row Combo

Client one – under hand grip on stick. Client two – under hand grip with bands

Primary Simultaneously pull the stick or bands towards the torso, retracting scapula
Progression1 Lift the right leg off the floor, balancing on the left leg Simultaneously pull the stick or bands towards the torso, retracting scapula
Progression2 Lift the right leg off the floor, balancing on the left leg Simultaneously pull the stick and one band towards the torso, retracting scapula, keeping the stick horizontal Repeat Step 2 but pull the stick and the alternate band towards the torso, retracting scapula


Trio 2 – Chest Press Combo

Client one – overhand grip on stick. Client two – overhand grip with bands

Primary Simultaneously extend elbows, pressing stick and bands forward
Progression1 Lift the right leg off the floor, balancing on the left leg Simultaneously extend elbows, pressing the stick or bands forward
Progression2 Lift the right leg off the floor, balancing on the left leg Simultaneously extend elbows, pressing the stick and one band forward, keeping the stick horizontal Repeat Step 2 but press the stick and the alternate band forward this time


Trio 3 – Adductor and Row Combo

Client one – both bands on one foot  Client two – hold stick in vertical position

Primary Client one: Balancing on one foot, adduct leg. Client two: Single arm row
Progression1 Client one: From a wide squat, stand up and adduct leg. Client two: From a squat position, with extended elbow, stand up and pull elbow back
Progression2 Client one: Balancing on one foot in a single leg squat position. Stand up and adduct leg. Client two: From a lunge position, with extended elbow, stand up and pull elbow back



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